10 September 2012

The Hunger Games - Book Trilogy Review

The Hunger Games Trilogy

A couple of weeks ago I saw The Hunger Games – the movie. I liked it so much that I decided to read the books as well. I finished reading Mockingjay a few days ago and here is the review:

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games (film)
The Hunger Games (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The 1st book was high paced and I was glued to the book the entire week it took me to finish it between my daily trips to work in the train. There were no dull moments (which is very rare at least for me) the chapters where Katniss was in the game itself were very intense and that was for granted that they would be interesting because the idea of the story was build around the games, but to my surprise the first half of the book which described the life in present and the past of Katniss's life in district 12 was intriguing.

Catching Fire

The 2nd book started very slow in my opinion. The events from the 1st half of the book described the life of the winners in the district and they were interesting but not exiting. It felt like we’re standing still on one spot without progressing anywhere. The 2nd part of the book was a completely different story. The games were very exciting to read especially Katniss’s attempts to figure out Johanna and Finnick’s hidden agenda. The end was completely anticlimactic (I guess I wanted to see who would turn up to be the winner – the best of the best) but that could be said about the end of the 1st book as well. The only problem was that the 1st book was good from the beginning to the end so in its case the end didn’t hurt it much but the 2nd book wasn’t as good as the 1st (in my opinion) so I expected that the end of the 2nd will compensate the slow paced chapters in the beginning.


The 3rd book started in the same slow pace as the 2nd book did, the only difference from the 2nd book was that the slow pace continued to the bitter end. It was … all over the place. It reflected the thoughts of mentally unstable Katniss. From one perspective it was fun to read how Katniss attempts to pick herself together from the traumatic events she endured in the 1st two books just to see her fall apart a few chapters later, it felt like there was something missing, a spark of intensity that we had in the previous books. Don’t get me wrong I kept reading the book and enjoyed it a lot. It felt like I kept going just to get to the end in order to discover how the story ends. In this book differently to the previous books, it had a very strong ending. It can be seen a mile away but still strong. 


The 1st book was the most exiting the sequels were slightly weaker but still I recommend this book trilogy, I had a lot of fun joining Katniss into her life journey.

The Hunger Games and Catching Fire DVD's from Amazon

Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games Book Trilogy From Amazon     

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