01 January 2013

Dredd Review

Dredd 2012 Review

In this post I’m going to share my thoughts on Dredd 3D.
The first time I heard that there are plans of making a Dredd movie, Stalone’s Judge Dredd from 1995 immediately popped up in my head. I’m thinking to myself this is going to be this futuristic over the top again. Don’t get me wrong 1995's Judge Dredd was ... tolerable. The actions was ... decent but the rest was one big schmooze of non relevant or rational events and pointless dialogs with Armand Assante, Hershey ... and the rest of them. 

Dredd Trailer 

So how was Dredd 3d?
Dredd the 2012 version was a complete opposite compared to 1995's Judge Dredd (thank god for that). In the first scene watching Dredd 2012 a group of douche-bags hit a pedestrian and splash his brains on the windshield like nothing happened. From that moment on I knew that I’m going to enjoy this movie. The rest that followed didn’t make me change my premature opinion that I already made regarding Dredd 2012.

I have been a fan of action movies ever since I remember myself watching anything on TV (starting the 80's). Unfortunately in the last couple of years I haven’t encountered too many good action films. Maybe it’s only me still suffering the side effects from the horrible experience of watching "The Expendables 2" but if I will think about good action movies I saw in the last ... let’s take two years I can count them on one hand, there is "Fast Five" and there is "The Hunger Games" actually "The Hunger Games" is more of an adventure than action but let’s keep it in there. I can proudly add Dredd 3D to that short list of good action movies and that’s it.

Now you ask yourselves why Dredd was so good ... simple, I mean the reason it was good, is because its plot was simple. you have Dredd who is an experienced Judge he takes a rookie for her 1st day in the field in order to evaluate her performance, unfortunately for the Judges (well actually it’s unfortunate for the douches that decided to declare war on Dredd) they find themselves trapped in a huge building with bunch of drug dealers and other criminals that try to kill them the entire movie. There it is I managed to summarize Dredd's plot in 4 lines, that's how simple it was, and that's what so great about this it was simple and not complicated. Unlike other film makers who tend to overdo with their cheesy love stories or boring dialogs that nobody gives a  **** about, and ruin the movie in the process. In Dredd 3D you don't have all those stuff its pure action.

British actress Lena Headey. Taken at the 2007...
British actress Lena Headey. Taken at the 2007 Scream Awards. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The action was great loved the blood, the gore, the heavy machinery and the brutality Dredd offered to its audience. Don’t know why it did so bad in the theaters or why people complain so much on the excessive slow motions scenes, from what I saw there were not many of them in the movie and when the director used the slow motion it was on point, I have to state there were a few scenes when characters used the drug and the scenes went to slow motion mode, but again there were not many of those scenes and the plot did requested it (the drug is supposed to give the user the feeling of stopping time) 
Karl Urban did an excellent job as Dredd. Karl exuded this cold, tough, fearless and most of all angry character that I personally liked a lot.

Lena Headey tried to succeed in this role of a villain in Dredd but it was hard for me to except her as the leader of this huge sized gang. How could all those criminals except getting ordered around by this skinny chick?
Over all I enjoyed this movie a lot. The action was fantastic, the story was simple, and there was no stupid stuff that I didn’t like. I may ad that the movie was too short .if you haven’t seen this Dredd version I recommend you to watch it, its 90 minutes of pure fun.
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