21 April 2013

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Review: Why the Hobbit failed

Why the Hobbit sucked compared to Lord of the rings

At the Movies ~ The Hobbit, An Unexpected Jour...
At the Movies ~ The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey, 2012 (Photo credit: erjkprunczýk)
The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey 2012 is the first part of an adventure trilogy which is the prequel to the lord of the rings epic trilogy.
This time Peter Jackson tells us the story of the Hobbit - Bilbo Baggins, the journey he made from his safe shire to help the king dwarf Thorin Oakenshield and his fellow dwarfs to get their home back. Gandalf the grey (Ian Mckellen) joins this gang of little people just like he did in the Lord of the rings.

This movie doesn't come close to the Lord of the rings trilogy because it felt like it was made to make money, and that is acceptable, every big Hollywood movie wants to cover its expenses. In Hobbit an Unexpected Journey it felt like the movie was forced to be made only for the studios to cash the big check. 

At the Movies ~ The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
At the Movies ~ The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey (Photo credit: erjkprunczýk)
At the Movies ~ The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
At the Movies ~ The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey (Photo credit: erjkprunczýk)
Let’s start with the cause - our small but happy bunch wants to reclaim ... wait for it ... a mountain, very exciting indeed. How can you compare that to the cause of saving the world from Lord of the rings?

The recruitment of Bilbo Baggins seemed unnecessary. Actually the entire opening was dragged through unneeded 40 minutes and for what? Was it all to hear the dwarfs hum an old dwarf song (Thorin Oakenshield song) or was it to convince Bilbo Baggins join the adventure. Both reasons are lame. Was Bilbo Baggins so important? I would disagree, sure he was made to look like he saved the day multiple times but he lacked the charisma and he carries some of the fault for mine disappointment from the movie.
Cate Blanchett portrays Galadriel in The Lord ...
Cate Blanchett portrays Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

if you ignore my Bilbo Baggins disappointment everything else was nothing to be happy about either. Most of the events in the Hobbit felt forced and unnatural, the fighting sequences felt rushed and constantly popped from nowhere. I got the feeling that there was a time for talking and right after there were fight scenes sequences and then some talking once again. All of it was somehow pointless. It’s like shooting blanks through the entire thing. 

Thorin Oakenshield
Thorin Oakenshield (Photo credit: Maelstromarts)
Most importantly the reasons I complain about this Hobbit movie is because i didn’t really connect to the main characters and this is where all my negativity comes from. Like I mentioned before I didn’t like Bilbo Baggins and there were too many dwarfs in the group for me to see them as individuals and connect to each one of them. Thorin Oakenshield was hurt the most because he was drowning in this sea of dwarfs through the entire movie. Thorin was supposed to distinguish himself from the group but he was lost in the shuffle and let Gandalf the grey lead the gang. That is very disappointing from a character that supposed to fill the huge shoes that Viggo Mortensen left as Aragorn.

I’m not saying that the Hobbit wasn't fun while it lasted but it was missing the essence and fire that Lord of the rings had to offer. On the other hand Lord of The rings set the bar so high that it was almost impossible to reach. I was hoping that the Hobbit would be greater than Lord of the rings trilogy and when it wasn’t so I was devastated as you read in this The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey Review
Hugo Weaving as Elrond in The Lord of the Ring...
Hugo Weaving as Elrond in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hobbit Summary

To summarize The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey I will give them the credit they do deserve. The fights / chases sequences looked very good although they were too few in my opinion. The landscape scenery looked almost as beautiful as in the Lord of the rings movie trilogy. The Hobbit brought back many characters from the Lord of the rings trilogy (Frodo, Gandalf the grey, ElrondGaladrielSaruman and Gollum) and made a needed connection between the two trilogies. now when i cooled down i will admit that The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey is a cool movie but  the Hobbit failed in comparison to Lord of the rings trilogy.

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