06 April 2013

Killing Them Softly Review: Now fuckin pay me!?

Killing Them Softly Review

Killing them softly (2012) is a criminal drama that displays the events that occur prior and after a money heist that was performed by two losers. The movie displays the events step by step from recruiting the two stoners, planning the job executing it and most importantly the devastating side effects that follow.

I tend to complain a lot about movies that progress their plot slowly. Killing them softly movie didn't have that flaw. I’m mentioning these because the movie was constructed in this slow, calm and methodical manor. Most of the events were portrayed in a serene environment. Life and death decisions were made in a strange pastoral atmosphere while throughout the entire time we were re-visiting the cold atmosphere of the blue collar industrial scenery during the financial crisis (between the years 2008-2009) in the background.
Killing them softly poster - Jackie (Brad Pitt) with a shotgun

The heist itself was seen as taking forever. It’s a unique feeling that Andrew Dominik managed to suck the viewer into that environment and the adrenalin caused the effect of time to stand still.

Majority of the Killing them softly scenes focused on the consequences of the robbery. The job of finding the felons was given to Jackie (Brad Pitt) it was fascinating and even funny at times to watch how the ball starts rolling inside the mob. The strange rules between assassins and the decision making process was ridicules at times. It was seemed that the only guy with a head on his shoulders is Jackie, the rest are just whoring drunks (Mickey - James Gandolfini), yes-men that are afraid of their own shadow (Driver - Richard Jenkins), and bunch of people who make the dumbest mistakes (Frankie, Russell, Johnny Amato, and Markie Trattman - Ray Liotta) that eventually cost them dearly. It was strange to see Jackie practically feed Driver with a spoon regarding what moves the organization needs to do to preserve its control.

I liked this movie a lot. It is definitely a cool movie. I think that the end where Jackie performed the double kill was interesting. I honestly didn’t know what he was going to do with Frankie until Jackie went out of the car. The last scene in the bar with Driver was very powerful the last sentence Jackie said summarized up the essence of the entire movie and described America as it is and as so many people like it to be.
Jackie – “This guy (Obama) wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh! I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country, it's just a business... now fuckin pay me!?

photo credit: moviesinla via photopin cc
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