02 July 2013

New TV Shows: Ray Donovan Pilot Review

Ray Donovan - Modern Day Thug

Ray Donovan features Liev Schreiber who makes his debut on the small screen in this brand New TV show from Showtime. Liev Schreiber plays the role of ... I don’t even know how to call what he does. Let’s call it a problem solver for the ones who can afford it in the entertainment business.

From the get go Ray (Liev Schreiber) has to deal with an athlete that finds himself in bad with an overdosed groupie, a famous actor who's career about to take a dive after he is caught picking up a male prostitute and.  Ray needs to deal with a stoker of his former client.  During all that he needs to tolerate his dysfunctional family: his unhappy wife, a Parkinson sick brother Terry, another brother Bunchy who struggles to stay sober from his addictions and a molested past. Ray finds out that he has a black half brother and his father (Jon Voight) supposedly got released from prison five years earlier than expected. Ray is still dealing with the raw pain of losing his sister who committed suicide. 

Throughout the pilot Ray portrays a modern day thug wrapped with a pretty and clean package but at the end of a day he is still a thug that is struggling with his hunted past. 

Ray has a tough but quite presence of full control but deep inside we see the cracks, Ray is actually falling apart. He is seduced to a small affair with his ex employer and everything is going towards a massive explosion when Ray is in the middle of it all. Things start falling apart when his dad drops by and his wife finds out about the affair.

Showtime's Ray Donovan has a massive potential to be a Cool TV Show, I will keep watching to see what happens next.


  1. It's interesting that Schreiber is no longer to be a motion picture star. Once you hit television, which is a step down for an actor, you can't go back, generally speaking.

  2. he was never a big thing on the big screen. i remember him from Wolverine as Sabretooth .
    everything else he has done was forgettable at best.
