21 October 2013

Strike Back Season 4 Review: Guns, Sex and a Pile of Dead Terrorists

Shoot First Think Later

Strike Back is probably the only TV show that focuses purely on the action aspect, aiming towards the male audience and it doesn't try to be what's it not.
This is the 4th season that Cinemax managed to create this auction packed thrilling season of the show. Strike back takes location shooting to an all new level. The colors are vivid almost in every environment and every scene. The action is high passed and is one of the most important elements in the show.

This season section 20 led by Dolton and her two front men Scott and Cambridge are after a notorious Terrorist Al Zuhari they are trying to get him by tracking his slippery money launderer Leo Kamali. The problem that Kamali is very mysterious character with his own agenda and it’s hard to figure out who his real employer is, and what side he is really on.

At the beginning of the first episode we see how Kamali kills Buxter, from this point the audience is shocked once again and gets emotionally attached to this season from the get go. This is not a new twist by strike back creators killing off one of its regular characters to create the shock just to spice things up. I don’t need to remind you that in Strike back season 2 they killed off their main star John Porter (Richard Armitage) in one of the most shocking scenes on TV. The writers build the entire second season around that event giving them enough time and a lot of maneuvering space to introduce their new front main men Scott and Cambridge and make the show even better than it was in season 1.

If we are on the subject of killing important characters what about Rebecca? I know that she was not a leading character in strike back, she appeared in few episodes in season 3 and Lyne Renee managed to make the Rebecca character look very important. The near death experience we witnessed in the beginning of the second episode was awesome. I was surprised to see her come back to life only to be shocked once again seeing her get head shot by Miguel Gomez 20 minutes later. This is how you make great TV, you take a character make the audience care for her (or him) have a near death experience and then out of nowhere when the audience feels she is in an imaginary safe zone (she just escaped death) kill her off. When you thought to yourself that’s it we killed enough likable cast members for this season. What about Dolton (Rona Mitra)? My god I didn’t think that coming, I didn’t think in my worst nightmares that she is going to end like that, although her actions prior to her death didnt leave a lot of maneuvering for her to come back to section 20 leadership position.

I’m constantly amazed how the creators of strike back manage to make those drastic plot focus shifts. In this case it is from the Arab terrorists to a radical cell in the IRA and focus on the new villains (IRA) for a few episodes while the old ones (Arabs) kept on a small fire in the background. Overall the small seeds that were planted in the beginning of the season (killing Viktor Ulyanov) are developing from a small subplot into the main story as the season progresses.

The twist that was made in the introduction of Major Nina Pirogova was pretty cool, so was her interaction with Scott, after a few deadly exchanges between the two it couldn’t be more obvious that they are going to end up hooking up. The only thing that wasn’t obvious was the vodka bottle that was playing the 3rd wheel in their sex scene.

This is one of the coolest TV shows out there. It’s amazing how much action is packed in 10 episodes of 40 minutes each. The countless near death experiences that Scott and Cambridge encounter would be too big of a stretch but in Strike back it looks somehow logical and real. This is one of our favorite shows of the year and if you are a guy there is a very high chance you will get hooked and learn to love this show

Strike Back All Seasons on DVD

Strike Back: The Complete First Season (Cinemax) (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
Strike Back: The Complete Second Season (Cinemax)
Strike Back: The Complete Third Season (Cinemax) (Blu-ray)


  1. i ran out of interesting movies to watch and i enjoy shows like Strike Back .
    I dont have a clue whats Downton Abbey is

  2. You see a lot of these shows. Do you also watch Downton Abbey? Just curious.
