08 December 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Mid-Season Finale Review

TWD Season 4, Mid Season Review

Most of The Walking Dead seasons started very slow and even boring at times, viewers accepted it as it was because they knew that when the show will reach its mid season, TWD is going to pick up the passé and will give you something shocking, intense and just blow you out of your couch.
the walking dead governor
The Governor

The Walking Dead season 4 maintained the same working formula. Although most of the writers for the show were replaced the show managed to sustain everything that worked for them in the past. The first 5 episodes were somehow too calm and nor really eventful but when you saw the governor in the last few seconds of TWD episode 5 you knew that the real build up for the mid season finale just started. Episode 6 and 7 were something refreshing that we didn’t expect. We saw something similar in season 3 when the plot was divided between Rick and the rest of the group and Andrea with Michonne at the governor’s camp .it was a sort of an origin story for the governor from the moment season 3 ended to this point. Those two episodes were the best TV I saw in the last few months. 

AMC's TWD creators answered the question every TWD fan wanted to know "Where is the governor? And what is he planning?" The governor hit the ultimate low he could hit in episode 6. He was in a state of a hobo walking zombie, barely surviving. When he stumbled upon Lilly and her family they turned to be his salvation. For a while (episode 6 and 7) you could really see that the governor's character changed, he was a different man. The old governor surfaced occasionally with the murder of Martinez and Pete but the overall impression stayed the same, the governor was doing everything he had to do to protect his new family. Even doing things that he initially didn’t want to do, and that’s becoming the governor again.

During mid season finale in episode 8 of the season there were hints spread all over the episode that there might be a chance a very small one that the two groups will manage to coexist together in the same prison, actually it was the main speculation that hanged over the entire episode. In the end when Rick gave his speech and the governor was considering the offer, putting down the sword you really thought WOW they are actually going to do it. And then you hear "Liar", Hershel gets his head chopped off and all hell breaks loose.

We had an awesome standoff between the two groups, a lot of shooting, chaos, main characters got killed (that’s always unexpectedly fun), 10 year old girls use guns to headshot people and implied that babies get eaten by the Walkers / Biters / Zombies. Ricks groups is scattered, the governor assumed to be dead (his final scene with Lilly was very intense) and we got a long winter in front of us, February looks to be far far away for the second part of The Walking Dead Season 4.

The Walking Dead DVD's

The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
The Walking Dead: The Complete Second Season
The Walking Dead: The Complete Third Season
THE WALKING DEAD Seasons 1-3 DVD Sets (All 3 Seasons 1, 2 & 3 DVD Sets)

Photo credit: oab1303_2 / Foter.com / CC BY


  1. With zombie & people blood flying around all the time, I don't how they could have assumed the child was eaten because there was no body. Only blood in the baby carrier. That was a flaw in the episode.

  2. I know that in the Comic book the baby died. That is why they implied it, but i don't think that they are going with that direction. i think its too harsh for TV.
