03 February 2014

True Detective First Impression Review

Matthew Mcconaughey at his Best

Initially True Detective didn’t manage to generate the appropriate hype, at least for me to get excited to start watching the show. in the back of my mind i was aware that the show was around but didn’t really push myself to really check it out. The first thing you see from a show prior to watching the pilot episode is the poster image and the trailer for the show. Unfortunately both seemed strange.

After the first 3 episodes aired on HBO I decided to check out the show and was amazed from what I was missing. True Detective is an HBO show, had great writing (like most HBO shows), it had two superstars playing the lead roles: Woody Harrelson and Matthew Mcconaughey. Both are great in their roles but Mcconaughey gives the performance of a lifetime especially the interviews sequences in present day.

Mcconaughey’s character Detective Rust Cohle is one of the most complex characters you would see on TV today. Rust is definitely hurt by past events but he tunnels his craziness and compulsiveness in the right direction his job (at least in 1995). Whatever happened to Rust in present day is sad but is fascinating to see. Watching Rust explain his style of life he chose for himself in present day makes a great argument and you tend to agree with most of the things he is saying. Harrelson’s character Detective Martin Hart is interesting enough but not as deep as Matthew Mcconaughey’s Detective Rust Cohle, Hart is more of a regular comic relief while Rust is an intense serious shell of a man. The Contrast between the two detectives is clearer than water and the explosion between the two characters is inevitable, we know its coming but we don’t know all the details that lead to the current state of events.

Another great positive element in the show is the serial Louisiana scenery in people and landscape (something you can see in True Blood and Bansee as well). It gives True Detective some sort if realistic look that transforms real life elements to a scripted TV show.

The main plot line of the show follows a strange murder of a local whore in Luiziana 1995. We follow Martin and rust in their difficult hunt for the killer relying on nothing to go on. The horrific murder may be the reason we are intrigued by the show but it is not the most important thing about True Detective. The most interesting elements in the show are characters of Martin and Rust, their lives and their interaction with people that are close to them. Rust and Martin make the show great, both in the interview in present time and in the past, in the year 1995.


  1. I was (sort of) unaware of this series. Will have to check it out.

  2. I'm doing a marathon of this show. Going to watch episode 3 of this first season, at the time of this comment. It's good. If it stays the same & doesn't pick up a little more diversity, it'll be a bust.
    Matthew McConaughey filmed this after the Dallas Buyers Club film so he's still thin & a bit "deflated" in appearance. I like him. Glad he won his Academy Award for his film.

  3. The show is good but I think it lost momentum towards the end. The first few episodes were very good. And still it was very enjoyable.
    I never thought about Matthew McConaughey as a serious actor until this show (I didn’t see the Dallas Buyers Club film). Always thought of him as pretty boy actor but his performance in True detective changed everything (at least for me).
