27 April 2015

Exodus: Gods and Kings Review

A couple of days ago I saw Exodus: Gods and Kings, the first movie I saw after a long while of not watching anything substantial. I wanted to say it was good but there was something missing and my second thought was that it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, it was average. To be precise it started very good, Christian Bale presented this ancient world in an interesting angle, his interaction with Joel Edgerton (Ramses) was excellent. Both actors had a very good interaction between each other and the environment they were in. Before his exile Christian Bale was intriguing enough, he presented us with a thinking man who defied the local culture while so many other versions of the characters in this story refused to do.

Trailer: Exodus: Gods and Kings

The moment Bale was exiled the movie started going downhill. It's like the film lost its direction just like its main character. Both just didn't know what to do next and whatever they did was very boring. The changes the character went through were not positive (in my mind). From first impression Moses was this open-minded man who didn't believe in all the religious crap that was out there in that time. Unfortunately after God revealed himself to Moses he's character started to degenerate itself, it wasn't the character we saw in the beginning of the story, he turned to be just another religious nut who lost his way and became average like everyone else in that time. This is very unfortunate because I really liked the beginning of this film and I won't say the rest was bad but it was average minus, that's not good enough.

Ben Kingsley was here but he didn't do nothing special he had a very small part and really forgettable. If you think about it just like Sigourney Weaver who was in here as well, she played the evil mother of Ramses and just like Kingsley she didn't do anything except looking really angry all the time and wanting to kill Moses. This pretty much sums up her role in this film. Another name that participated in the film was Aaron Paul who played a very poor version of Bale's sidekick. The only thing Paul did in the film was sneak after Moses and watch him talk to god.

I would say I was really waiting for this film but it was lying around my DVD collection for a long time. Now when I saw it I understand why it was lying around there for so long. The film was OK; I wouldn't say it changed my life or anything. It was another movie that I saw yesterday and I will forget tomorrow but if you really like biblical films, Joel Edgerton and Christian Bale then you should check it out but I can't promise that you will see something special, good or extraordinary. So if you decide on watching Exodus: Gods and Kings it's on you, because ... well there's not much to say about it.
Exodus: Gods and Kings
Manufactured by: Fox
24.52 New

Exodus: Gods and Kings
Ridley Scott
Christian Bale
Joel Edgerton
Aaron Paul
Exodus: Gods and Kings
Rating: 2.8 / 5 Stars

Exodus Gods and Men DVD

Exodus: Gods & Kings dvd cover warrior blu ray Christian Bale: The Inside Story of the Darkest Batman Blu ray

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